Monday, February 22, 2010

Handy Man!

10 years ago, I never thought that getting a NEW dishwasher would be so exciting (domestication at it's best, eh?)! And with this recent purchase the process of making our first home "ours" continues.

Our upcoming wedding has re-lit a little fire under our butts to get back to working on the house. Our original "fire" burned hot and fast, but as most fires that burn hot and fast, it burned out fast too.

After some initial frustration and having my fingers smashed Wendell installed our brand new dishwasher. We finally got rid of the old crusty white one which had yellowed and was a complete eyesore. And now we have THIS:

*Insert singing angel voices here*

One appliance down, three to go! Stay tuned for more stainless steel beauty.


1 comment:

musicjunkie said...

I'm still waiting to kick out old one to the curb. It currently resides in the corner of our kitchen =0/